Sunday, May 23, 2010

Alaska’s Capital

Good Morning, Juneau!

Our ship is entering Juneau’s harbor, and the early rising Saturday sun is highlighting those magnificent mountains! What a grand way to start the day.

The dock was close to town, so we ambled over to the Alaska State Museum to learn more about the history of this state, which is larger than California and Texas combined! This carved Totem is a Beaver Pole, which was once at the entrance of a Native lodge, or home.

I was excited to see a replica of an eagle’s nest in this museum! Eagles construct their nests in large, older trees, in very high areas. They add to their nests each year, and some nests can be as big as a pick-up truck! Eagles live in this part of Alaska, so I hope to see a real one.

I learned how important ships were in the early days of explorers to Alaska. Here is a model of a ship with 5 masts! It must have gone really fast when the wind caught all those sails.

Did you know that the United State bought Alaska from Russia? The Russians first explored the Aleutian Islands and had settlements there. But in 1859 we purchased the Alaskan territory for 7.2 million dollars. Alaska became our 49th state in 1959. We saw the pen that President Eisenhower used to sign the statehood bill.

Since there are MANY rainy days in Juneau, everyone was out to enjoy the sunshine at the Maritime Festival. Juneau can only be reached by plane or ship, and most people either have a small float plane or a boat. The Maritime Festival was all about how and why the sea is important to Juneau people.

The Coast Guard showed how they rescue people from danger in the water. Fishermen were demonstrating how to prepare fish for grilling. 

I met a young naval officer from the J.F. Kennedy Aircraft Carrier! I remember the trip I took on that ship with some other friends.

I was surprised to see the Juneau Public Library, right next to the wharf. It is the top level of a big parking garage! The only way the Juneau people would approve of and pay for a parking garage in this location, was to put the library on top!! Yeah for the library!!

Until Next Time…

L.L. Bear

Don't Forget to Catch the Reading Express

...this summer at the Aubrey Area Library! Get onboard for fun programs and great books with our Summer Reading Program!

Tuesdays @ 11 am....June 8 thru July 20

June 8 - Catch the Reading Express with Maggie and Puppets
June 15 - Dan Gibson, Stories and Banjo Music
June 22 - Texas Tom, Teller of Tall Tales
June 29 - The Mad Scientist Returns
July 6 - Creature Teacher and Animals
July 13 - Brett Roberts, the Magic Reading Railroad
July 20 - Tom McDermott, Music and Stories
July 27 - Ice Cream Party for Readers...Ticket Event

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