Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer Reading Art Contest
Here are some of the entries for the Aubrey Area Library Summer Reading Art Contest. Art will be judged by local artists and prizes will be awarded for each age category. It's not too late to submit your artwork! 
The contest ends July 20th. 


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pajama Story Time With L.L. Bear...
Thursday, July 15 @ 7pm - Ages 4-7
Get cool in the library! Bring your pillow and favorite stuffed animal for fun stories and special bedtime treats!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Mad Scientist Returns

Atomic Aja entertained a most enthusiastic and energetic group of eager listeners at our Tuesday, June 29th Summer Reading Program.  From demonstrations of molecule movement in solids, liquids, and gases, to a visual display of water absorbing crystals, to an exciting and engaging demonstration of audio amplification, Atomic Aja educated a crowd of nearly 200.  The science books fairly flew out of the library after the show!

Join us next Tuesday, July 6th, at 11:00 am for The Creature Teacher Summer Reading Program.
