Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Great Wall of China!

(also introducing our new mascot L.L. Bear!)

My name is L.L. Bear. Those Chinese sure do love their bears.L.L. Bear welcomed the children into the story room to see the "Great Wall of China," painted especially for the Olympics! Bear is wearing a little hat he bought while traveling around China. His special hat reminds him of the emperors that ruled over China. We have a display of artifacts to accompany all the wonderful story books and informational books about China. Bear will have his photo album of China for all to see. We hope you will visit and peruse the exhibit...and stay for story time!

All sorts of books about ChinaThis week the children heard the classic tale of Five Chinese Brothers, by Claire Bishop. This amusing tale highlights the gifts of each brother and demonstrates how they cleverly used their gifts to preserve each other.

We tied in some basic geography...continents, countries, the children will become familiar with our world as they watch the Olympics.
Looks like the kids made their own olympic torches.Each child made an "Olympic torch" and then participated in some active, fun games! Olympic gold medals The Great Wall of China: Viewable from space and from our storytime exhibit!(gold-foil wrapped chocolate coins on red yarn necklaces!) were awarded to all our winners!

Next Week: more stories, songs, rhymes, crafts, and Olympic games! We'll learn more about China along with learning some Chinese words and phrases.Giant stuffed bear: Also visible from space!