Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Summer Reading, Senior Events

Wow, July is over already. We have finished our Summer Reading Program with over 384 children and parents attending the 6 weeks of special storytellers, an average of 64 each week. This year, we had a recent MLIS graduate, Elizabeth Williams, here to help us with the Summer Reading Program.
Our Senior Services program is being led by volunteer Allison Leslie. We have given her the title of "Senior Services Volunteer Coordinator." Thursday, August 2 we will host Bingo at followed by a free lunch for seniors at 12:00. 2 weeks later on Thursday, August 16 we will host a game day at 10:00 follwed by lunch at 12:00. Seniors must preregister by calling the library at 940-365-9162.
Till next time...kg

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Bird In Library May 3lst

Thursday morning, as I was going back to the work area of Library, I discovered a bird had somehow entered the Library! He had hit the large windows several times trying to find a way out. It reminded me of the Magpies in the Windex commercial. I tried to shoo him out after opening the back door, but he would not leave the window sill. I finally tried to pick him up and he actually let me hold him! Therefore, I was able to let him loose outside. You never know what will happen at the Library. -N. I.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

National Library & Volunteer Week!

National Library and Volunteer Week is a time to celebrate the contributions of our nation's libraries, librarians, library workers, volunteers and patrons that promote and support the library!

The Aubrey Area Library will be celebrating the week by having different theme days

Tuesday April 17-Friday April 20

And on Saturday April 21st we will host the Aubrey Volunteer Fair in the Community Center!



“Hats off to reading”

Wear your favorite or funniest hat to the library!


Wormy Wednesday

“Worm your way into a good book”

Bring your handmade “bookworm” sock puppet and worm your way into the library!


Thumbprint Thursdays

“Bring out the character in you”

Do you have a favorite character in a book or movie? Dress-up and come as your favorite character to the library!


Far-out Friday

“Books- a hair-raising experience”

Does your hair have a mind of its own? Show us your wackiest hairstyle!


The Volunteer Fair in the Community Center

Come check out the library’s volunteer booth and other organization’s booths
As we honor our volunteers and recruit new ones!
Are you ready to volunteer?


Ask us for more information!!!!

Friday, March 23, 2007

News and Events!

Hello patrons! The Aubrey Area Library has many fun and exciting events on the horizon, including our week-long National Library and Volunteer Week celebration, which will end with the Aubrey Volunteer Fair!

Detailed information including dates and times will be posted ASAP!

If you are a member of blogger.com feel free to leave us a comment. We would love to hear your thoughts.

This blog is another exciting way for you to interact with us- your library!

Stay tuned....

Friday, March 23, 2007

This blog was started as an introduction to blogs for our beginning computer class here at the Aubrey Area Library. We are located in Horse Country USA in beautiful Aubrey, Texas. We are at 226 Countryside Drive, just off of Highway 377. Visitors will want to turn off of 377 at Sonic Drive In or First Security Bank. All of the library staff will be posting information so check back often or sign up for our rss feed. -Kathy